How to put the German pronunciation

German pronunciation is the exact opposite of German writing. Almost all sounds in German and english to german either differ from Russian ([a], [p], [t]), or do not even have an analogue in it ([x], [ö], [ch]). Unlike languages ​​like Korean, the accent will not interfere with understanding, but if you want to pass as your own, you need to remove it. Here are some tips on how to do this:

Practice each sound separately. From the very beginning, accept the idea that German sounds are very different from Russian and you need to learn them all over again. Take a special textbook on phonology, study the sounds separately and very systematically – even figure out where exactly you need to put the language and why. This is not easy, but in the future it will greatly simplify the development of the skill.
Practice sounds in bundles and english to german. Once you have figured out how the sounds are pronounced on their own, move on to their frequent combinations. So you will get used to how the pronunciation changes in different words, and learn how to pronounce the new word right away. It will be enough to see what combinations of sounds it consists of.
Speak slowly. Take your time – it is better to speak slowly at first, but pronouncing each sound correctly. The speed will come with time.
Sing and repeat. Each language has its own rhythm, getting used to which greatly simplifies pronunciation. For example, the stress in Russian often falls on the middle of a word or the last syllable, in German on the first. This is especially noticeable in songs, where the rhythm adapts to the characteristics of the language. If you sing German songs, you will get used to the rhythm of speech, and pronouncing sounds in the German way will become more natural than in Russian. For example, try Durch der Monsun by Tokio Hotel[2], one of the band’s easiest songs for beginners. Or “Erik”[3] and other folk songs – they are also easy to understand for a beginner.