Entering a prestigious language school, every student thinks that after graduation and obtaining the coveted diploma he or she will be a good translator and in-demand specialist and get api translation. But the profession of an interpreter belongs to the one where knowledge needs to be constantly improved and renewed. Language does not stand still, it is constantly developing, replenished and changing. To become a high quality professional, you have to spend a lot of time on training and self-development, even after graduation. The nice thing is that translation services are mostly well-paid, so the reward is not long in coming.
You can’t do without university in this specialty: while studying, students translate a lot of literature, various magazines, watch movies without translation. Thanks to this learn a lot of useful and interesting information about the world, countries and other cultures. Simply put, without a college degree in a language specialty, the knowledge and outlook to perform various translations will be disastrously lacking.
Profession of a translator is extremely difficult, a person must be very attentive, because it depends on him to understand the interlocutors who speak different languages. When translating english to spanish, it is necessary to consider not only the features of speech, but also to be a psychologist, a person who understands people and their behavior.
Representatives of this profession, wishing to earn a good income, must be able to combine different activities: interpretation and translation.
Interpretation involves working with people, that is, in this type of translation, you need to be able to quickly switch from language to language, and grasp the meaning of what is being said. There are consecutive and simultaneous interpreting. In consecutive, the native speaker pauses to allow the person to translate the phrase. Simultaneous interpreting is more difficult because it requires speaking at the same time as the person whose speech is being translated. People who can work in this mode are considered the elite of the profession.
Written translation is much easier since when translating documents and literary and scientific texts, there is time to think and select the most appropriate and concise version of the translation.

Big cities such as Moscow certainly provide many opportunities for people in this profession.
Beginners can start with the work of a “written” translator, working with publishers or translation agencies. Such work can even be remote, all in today’s time of digital technology to transfer information is very easy.
The services of interpreters required at various events, such as exhibitions, lectures by foreign experts, as well as business negotiations. Such work is very interesting for those who want to communicate more with people, but you need to remember the enormous responsibility: incorrect translation can lead at best to misunderstanding, at worst to the disruption of negotiations and loss of profits.
There is also a seasonal profession of guide-interpreter. Popular among students, as it provides not only an income, but also an opportunity to see the world, and even a vacation.
Secretaries-referents with knowledge of a foreign language are often needed. But the constant search for such people shows that the really qualified specialists are very few.
When choosing a profession as an interpreter, it is worth immediately thinking about the type of translation you would like to perform. This decision affects the choice of school or specialized courses. Different educational institutions provide different bias in the profession. For example, for a guide-interpreter, linguistics and intercultural communication are suitable. If you want to become a technical interpreter, you can choose a foreign language department at any educational institution.